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HEPCAT Research
In our research group, interests span all of the big questions in the early and late universe, as well as those relating to the structure of matter and spacetime. Our research focus is on the fundamental physics that underlies the nature of the Universe. Our goals are to study the Universe as a whole, while gaining insight into its origin, composition, structure, evolution and, ultimately, its fate. To that end, we work on very theoretical directions, including using Double Field Theory as a background for string cosmology and developing amplitude methods as tools for astrophysics. We work in all aspects of cosmology, from model building to quantum cosmology.

Although we are a theory group by nature, embedded in the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics of the University of Cape Town, we have a strong programme in astrophysics and cosmology. In particular, we have members of the HIRAX collaboration, which has two key science goals. The first is focused on using 21 cm cosmology to understand dark energy, and on shorter timescales, we will be observing huge numbers of Fast Radio Bursts, localizing them with our innovative outrigger programme, and using them as cosmological standards to answer open problems in astrophysics and cosmology today, as well as to explain the nature of FRBs themselves. 

We have research strengths in chameleon gravity and alternative theories of gravity and how to test them. Here we work on both theoretical developments, and the observational and experimental ways to test these theories. In particular, we are members of IAXO – The International Axion Observatory.