Collective Agreement Cupe 389
For CUPE Local 389, negotiations are 100 per cent local. All issues are negotiated by local parties and are subject to ratification by local members and the North Vancouver Board of Education. There are two provincial parties that must also ratify the agreement – the Public School Employers Association (BCPSEA), which represents the province`s 60 public education bodies, and CUPE BEFORE CHRIST. The North Vancouver Board of Education looks forward to working with our two partner unions to successfully renew our two collective agreements. These agreements apply to the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 389 and the North Vancouver Teachers` Association (NVTA). Collective agreements are not designed as all-inclusive documents. On the contrary, they outline the terms of employment on which the parties have agreed. Local negotiations with the two unions have not yet begun, but are expected to begin within the next three months. Both collective agreements expire on June 30, 2019, but all conditions in the agreements remain in effect until the other trading date, even after that date.
Legal steps can only be taken after the current contract expires on 30 June 2019, and only after the coordination of the tariff unit for trade union action. We hope that new collective agreements will be successfully negotiated without labour disputes. We will endeavour to keep you informed during the negotiations. The Medical Services Plan contains the basic health care details available for all British Columbia. General health information and advice can be found via BCHealthGuide. You will find out about the subsidies available for prescription drugs and certain medical care in the provincial government`s Pharmacare program. Click here to log into your Pacific Blue Cross account. The NVTA is the subject of negotiations both provincial (“main table”) and local (“local table”). The negotiating points at each table are determined by the provincial parties, the Federation of British Columbia Teachers (BCTF) and PCOSEA. In general, monetary issues and issues of provincial importance, such as class size and composition rules, are negotiated at the main table. Local table negotiations concern local parties (NVTA and North Vancouver Board of Education) and include non-monetary and North Vancouver School District-specific issues.
MoveUP represents CUPE BC`s support staff and its residents. CUPE BC represents 80,000 workers in more than 170 local unions and many different sectors.